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He may come back again! The Tragic Sealing of Diablo in the Diablo series



For players who are familiar with the Diablo series, Diablo should not be unfamiliar. This well-known demon of the Diablo series not only provides lots of items for players, but also has been sealed multiple times in the storyline. Today, let's take stock of how many times this tragic demon has been sealed in Diablo.



As we all know, demons cannot be destroyed in the storyline, they can only be sealed by Soulstones. After the Sin War, the High Heavens and the Burning Hells finally stopped their war and reached an agreement: both sides should not interfere in the Sanctuary. However, the three Prime Evils and the four Lesser Evils were not honest. They, who had long wanted to occupy the Sanctuary, decided to stage a deception: the four Lesser Evils - Azmodan, Andariel, Duriel, and Belial - joined forces to attack the three Prime Evils and successfully drive them out, "forcing" them to come to the Sanctuary. In the eyes of the High Heavens, the overthrow and exile of the three Prime Evils seemed like a Hell affair, without any conspiracy, so they didn't intend to intervene in this matter.


When the three Prime Evils arrived in the Sanctuary, they were dumbfounded. Their power had greatly weakened when they left their physical bodies and came to this world. Although they faced little pressure in dealing with the local Nephalem who had average strength, the Archangel Tyrael had already arrived in this Sanctuary and established a faction called the "Horadrim Brotherhood". After being defeated by the Brotherhood, the three Prime Evils were forcefully sealed. Diablo was sealed in the Tristram Cathedral, and as the members of the Brotherhood grew old and died, Mephisto woke up first. He corrupted the entire Council and the Archbishop, and only Kormak's will was able to resist Mephisto's corruption, but he was killed by the corrupted Council. Therefore, Mephisto instructed the Archbishop Lazarus to awaken Diablo in Tristram. Using the body of the young prince, Diablo barely awakened, but was defeated by the combined forces of the prince Aidan, Blood Raven, and the Mage. In order to seal Diablo, Prince Aidan forcibly inserted Diablo's Soulstone into his own forehead.


Aidan successfully sealed Diablo, and later met the sorceress Adria. They quickly fell in love and had a daughter named Leah. However, he did not know that all of this was still part of Diablo's plan, as Adria was the key person to resurrect Diablo. Because humans can hardly resist the will of the demon, Diablo gradually regained his will and took control of Aidan's body. After that, "Aidan" became the Dark Wanderer. Later, the three Prime Evils finally gathered, but they were eventually defeated and sent back to Hell by the Nephalem.



Originally Diablo was supposed to be dead in Diablo II, but the Dark Wanderer left behind a daughter named Leah in the Sanctuary. She is the niece of Deckard Cain, kind, intelligent, brave, and cheerful. However, this girl was involved in the conspiracy of the resurrection of the Great Evils. Adria used the Soulstones of the Seven Great Evils to resurrect Diablo once again, but was easily defeated by the Nephalem (in the game, players killed him hundreds of times for his items). In the subsequent storyline, Diablo and the other Great Evils, who had been sealed in the Soulstones, were taken by Malthael in an attempt to use them to annihilate the Nephalem. Although the Nephalem eventually defeated Malthael, the souls of Diablo and the other Great Evils were released from the Soulstones. This undoubtedly gave everyone a clear reminder - Diablo may still appear before them.





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